What about to quit the agenda to reduce the population of this world and to follow the path of life ?

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Crisis in the Middle East And Crisis in other areas of this world:

What about to quit the agenda to reduce the population of this world and to follow the path of life ?

Crisis in the Middle East And Crisis in other areas of this world: Imagine if Israelis, Jews, Arabs, Muslims and any people of any other faith, religion and world view would UNITE and lay down the weapons and ammunition and quit to follow the horrible agenda to reduce the population of this world (there is no need to reduce the population of this world !It is possible to deliver the proof for this statement) and would use the steel of the weapons for something different, sell the steel of the weapons and use the material of which these things are made for something different. Do we really not know that we have been manipulated for many years with false information in many different areas? Who are these people which have said, the world is overcrowed ? Have you ever checked if this statement is of the truth ?

Is there food and water for all people on this earth ? Have you ever checked this information? PEACE, basic income for ALL people in this world, access and practicing human rights, to feed all people and children would be possible.

So how then so many people are making the war profiteurs happy in using their products instead of quitting to kill each other. It will be better to say no to death, no to violence and to choose life. If many people as possible, no matter what kind of nationality they belong to or what kind of faith, religion or world view they might practice, would choose life, love and peace – then PEACE will have a chance in many different places on this earth.

Andreas Klamm Sabaot, Journalist, author, writer, nurse R.N., paramedic and Founder of Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters, http://www.libertandpeacenow.org, http://www.humanrightsreporters.wordpress.com and ISMOT International Social And Medical Outreach Team, http://ismotnetwork.wordpress.com


Regionalhilfe.de, Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Medien- und Hilfe-Projekte seit 2006 und ISMOT International Social And Medical Outreach Team, www.regionalhilfe.de, Blog: https://regionalhilfe.wordpress.com, Tel. 0621 5867 8054

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