International Media Call: GREECE

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International Media Call: GREECE
– LPN ! is looking for volunteers
London. March 20, 2010. (and). The international non-commercial and alternative media project for human rights is looking for VOLUNTEER writers, authors, news correspondents and journalists from GREECE which are willing to share and contribute information and news about the country of GREECE in the ENGLISH language.

Liberty and Peace NOW ! (LPN) Human Rights Reporters has been founded in 2006 and is available on,, and on
Writers, journalists and authors which are willing to contribute news and stories are requested to contact the editors by email at cvd@
The information, articles, news and stories will be shared as voluntary work without payment. All writers, journalists, correspondents which publish their stories, news and information on Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters do contribute their works as volunteers for a BETTER WORLD and for HUMAN RIGHTS.

Regionalhilfe, Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Medien- und Hilfe-Projekte seit 2006 und ISMOT International Social And Medical Outreach Team,, Blog:, Tel. 0621 5867 8054

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